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Paying for your job listings: After posting your job listing the contact person listed in the Employer Account will receive an invoice with payment instructions via email. Payment can be either by college, university, or company check, purchase order, or credit card. The job listing fees include:
We do not charge extra for premium listings, e-mail alerts, employer profiles, or any other services. Job listings will be automatically removed on the application deadline included in the job listing or after three months, whichever comes first. International payments: For payments from outside the US: Please make sure the check is in US$ and payable through your local bank's US branch or agents. To avoid bank and foreign exchange fees you can use the credit card payment option. You can enter multiple searches within the same job listing, but you are limited to four job title categories in each job listing. The job-listing fee includes access to our database of applicant resumes with matching job categories. Tear sheets/proof
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