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Missouri Western State University Job Listings
Organization Profile
Missouri Western State University is a comprehensive, state-supported institution serving more than 5,000 students on a beautiful 744-acre campus about 45 minutes north of Kansas City. Missouri Western is an active partner in the educational, economic, cultural, and social development of the people and region it serves. A distinct focus on applied learning and applied research is a hallmark of the innovative teaching and learning environment.
At Missouri Western, Griffons Succeed! Missouri Western State University has a proud tradition of providing a high quality, affordable education to students in the state of Missouri and beyond. We are a four-year, state-supported institution providing a variety of degree programs and offering professional master’s degrees, four-year baccalaureate degrees, two-year associate degrees, pre-professional transfer programs and one-year certificates. In addition, the University offers seminars, conferences and workshops suited to the needs of the community. Students come from throughout the United States and more than 25 countries. And our alumni live and work around the world. From its humble beginnings in 1915, Missouri Western continues to deepen its impact on the community, region, nation and world.
Accreditation Missouri Western is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of the six regional accrediting associations in the United States. HLC accredits institutions of higher education in 19 states and has approximately 1,000 member institutions. Accreditation supports our ongoing focus on institutional improvement, ensures that we remain accountable to our constituencies, and provides us with a broad framework for action as we work to achieve our mission. Missouri Western’s accreditation was reaffirmed on January 24, 2017 and participates in the Open Pathway. We value the insights provided through the accreditation process and seek to use this information to strengthen our institution. Missouri Western is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), which provides a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. When states join SARA, they agree to follow uniform processes for approving their eligible institutions’ participation. They also agree to deal with other states’ SARA institutions in a common way when those institutions carry out activities in SARA states other than their own. For a list of schools holding NC-SARA membership, please click here. Specialized accreditations include:
Missouri Western also has the All-Steinway School designation, the American Chemical Society curriculum approval, and the American Bar Association approval.
Applicants with dual-career considerations can find university jobs such as professor jobs, dean jobs, chair / department head jobs, and other faculty jobs and professional and administrative staff employment opportunities at Missouri Western State University and at other institutions of higher education in the region on AcademicCareers.com
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