Black History Month: As part of the upcoming African-American history & heritage events, to support the recruitment of more diverse faculty and professional staff, Academic Careers hosts from now through the end of February the annual Black History Month Online Diversity Job Fair.
And, if you are involved in a search for a full or part-time faculty member, postdoc, researcher, or professional administrative staff member, you are invited to participate by including your job openings. (Last year over 600 departments participated.)
How does it work? Academic Careers has a large database of diverse faculty, adjuncts, doctoral students, and staff members. Using push-technology we alert them of your jobs in the Black History Month Online Diversity Job Fair. It is very pro-active.
To participate, forward this to the person posting your job openings or enter your job on, select Post a Job and enter your job opening(s), which is automatically included in the Black History Month Online Diversity Job Fair.
Suggestion: To maximize diversity in recruitment within your university, college or department, please forward this Black History Month Online Diversity Job Fair information to all your academic and administrative department heads handling faculty and professional staff searches.
Looking for a job at a college or university? Use our free applicant services:Search the database for current job openings.
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